On Throat Punches, Midlife, and Peeing Alone
Several years ago, my mom sent me a book. I am not a violent person, but would often use an expression of throat punching, so my mom sent me this book.
As I read, I laughed until I snorted. I began following the author, Jen Mann, on social media for my daily dose of snark. Fast forward a few years, and Jen and I have become friends. Like actual friends (see, Facebook isn’t all bad after all).
Some of Jen’s Books include:
People I Want to Punch in the Throat,
How I F*cking Did It (click the titles to check her out on Amazon!)
ANYHOO–Jen has all these funny blog posts, great books, and now her own PODCAST, so I asked her to hang with me for about an hour to discuss how this everyday lady became a bestselling author, speaker, and now podcaster.
You can follow Two Midlife Mommas on itunes HERE
This is from Jen’s first visit to Pittsburgh–the cross country road trip with the hubs and kids. Yes, I am in heels but yes also, Jen is very tiny.
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