You've just joined the #moxiesquad

Moxie is defined by Webster’s dictionary as a force of nature, determination, or nerve. Urban dictionary calls it sass, spunk, determination, and attitude. Sounds ideal, right? Who wouldn’t want to have moxie?

Moxie is something many struggle to possess, even if it is admired in others. Personal or professional history makes us smaller, less comfortable with living boldly.  We accept the box life has built around us as the way it is meant to be.

What if you still had EXTRAORDINARY in you?  Is it lurking below the surface, waiting to come out?  Are you considering a new chapter, new role, or maybe revisiting an old dream? What’s stopping you?

Moxie Mama® is the home of Moxie ME coaching, the Moxie Mama blog, and Meant for Moxie Podcast.  This is the place where everyday people do extraordinary things.

Because fashion and image are my creative outlet, there is a lot of style here–but  this is NOT your daughter’s fashion blog!!! While I believe that image matters as part of our confidence, I know that not every day is beautiful and that is also ok.

We will have a focus on YOU and being your most MOXIE-ful self. Keeping confident in a time of physical (hello, perimenopause) and emotional (kids to college and parents aging) turmoil is HARD.  Moxie Mama is here to be honest about the tough times and provide advice from experts as well as hacks from me. I’ve created a literal system to exercise that confidence muscle.

Most importantly, Moxie Mama®  is about sisterhood, honesty, and FUN! The internet is full of debate, drama, and seemingly unattainable standards. I can never take myself or my life too seriously and I promise to keep it real and laugh A LOT! So thanks for joining the #moxiesquad I’m pleased to meet you!

Sam is a confidence coach and stylist. She works with individual clients to adapt their inner and outer image to meet their goals and lifestyle, as well as clearing out the past that lingers in her clients’ closets. Sam also speaks to women’s groups about promoting the personal brand through image, building a functional wardrobe that works for YOU, and many other topics.

An extrovert on steroids and director of FUN, Sam is also constantly planning “field trips,” nights out, and boondoggles for her friends and family.  She loves connecting the dots between friends and making introductions.

Sam is the daughter of BK and Mommy Mac and sister to three as well as DIL, SIL, aunt and GREAT aunt to many.

Most importantly, she is the proud wife of the best guy around, Himself, and a consummate BOYMOM to Conman (19) and Tbone (17).  These three have taught her true boldness, courage, and how funny gas can be.  And then there’s Guinness the Menace–The Airedale terror.  He may yet get his own blog.

Undergrad from Ohio University

InnerLife Skills Coaching master coach certification,

Years in sales, business development, in-house trainer

Yale University “Science of Well-Being”

I have always been passionate about helping others, and discouraged watching others fear their potential. Having spent decades learning and discovering my own purpose, I have walked in those shoes. Learning in midlife that I have an attention disorder actually became the fuel I needed to FINALLY “do the thing.” I realized that my lifetime mentors never really believed in me because I wasn’t typical. Ironically, it was ADHD that finally put it all INTO focus.

I love the creatives, the seekers, people who love to grow. Often these are the same people who have the hardest time believing in themselves. I am here to get them out of the box.

Short attention span?  Don’t I know it!  Take a look at a micro documentary about Moxie Mama produced by John Craig Media.

Great overview of my current obsessions and what I do.  Cameos from Guinness the Menace and our squatter dog, Eli.  Swearing included