Raise your hand if you have those not-so-quiet voices in your head telling you that you CANNOT do or be something you want?

Insecurities are like little gremlins in greek chorus convincing us we will fail, be laughed at, whatever. They rob us of our courage every day.

I posted about my WHY for Moxie Mama and confidence coaching, and ended up with more questions from you all. Take a look for the follow up…(nice face on this thumbnail)

The struggle is real, even for the rich and famous. But confidence is a muscle that requires strength training, just like the rest of your body. It can be worked, practiced, and built up.

I love this quote from Adele–it’s a tremendous defense against negativity. I have, however, observed in my years that WE tend to out our worst fears before our “enemies” can. Self-deprecating jokes about our weight, our style, or our abilities SEEMS to be taking ownership of who we are, but it’s actually just telling those around us that we fear what they are thinking. Guess what? That makes our audience obsess over that very thing we dislike about ourselves.

It isn’t easy. Real confidence, especially acquiring it in midlife, is work. It takes practice. Moxie Mama is here to help you find it and master it. THAT is my why…

Don’t let it happen…be bigger

Do you feel this? Does this hit close to home? Let me know in the comments or email. And please share with friends who may like to join the #moxiesquad (like, share, and comment).

As always, thank you for your love and support–I am grateful for YOU!!
