F-ing 2018
Like many people at this time of year, I evaluate the successes and missteps of 2017 and make a plan for the new year. I choose a power word each year (2017 was DISRUPT you can read more about that HERE) and I like to use this time to journal, read, and assess my plan.
What I loved about my word in 2017 is that allowed me the freedom to try many new things, throw out a ton of options and see what fit best. I started this blog, explored new opportunities with coaching people, and switched up some affiliations. Disruption was critical to moving from “thinking about blogging” to STARTING a blog. HOWEVER, as I end 2017 and review my thoughts and my own words from journals and blog posts, I see another REALLY SIGNIFICANT RED FLAG. For those following along at home, any guesses?
As positive as disruption is, an alternate definition of it includes words like chaos. Uh-oh. If you’ve been at Moxie Mama for awhile, you know I also started a series in the summer about saying NO and keeping boundaries. You also know I was experiencing some burnout trying to do ALL OF THE THINGS ALL OF THE TIME and did a hard reset.
As moms (ok seriously, as HUMANS these days), we need to stay structured to facilitate flexibility. As planned as we are, something can come at us (for me, this fall, it was my son’s multiple injuries) and DISRUPT our plan. THAT’s where I lost footing this year.
Now I’m staring down the barrel at 2018 and coming up with my word. I made SO MUCH PROGRESS in 2017, but all that disruption ultimately meant I became a jack of all trades and lost my vision for Moxie Mama. Disruption also set me off the path to better health and nutrition. I didn’t make time for the spiritual pursuits I was missing. How often do we make progress (all good and should be celebrated), but never quite realize that ultimate goal? We want to bring whatever it is–health, wealth, success–to FRUITION.
Honestly, I go through a PROCESS to come up with my words. I have a whole system (that I kind of made up that I plan to share in an upcoming newsletter or video) that netted me pages of words this year. While realization was at the core of it, it didn’t feel like the right word. So many smaller components of my goals began with the letter F. Fashion, fitness, faith, family, etc all are part of the end game. The list was big and I needed some powerful vision to actually get some shit DONE. That meant FOCUS, another F word. This lead me to seek out an F word that meant realization of goals. TA-DA! FRUITION!!!!
What do I do with my lists of words?
This year I made word art with all my words on Word Art. I’m printing off the image and posting around to keep me FOCUSED on all the components of 2018.
Last year, I also purchased a My Intent bracelet with the word DISRUPT on it!
Most important are the changes to come from my very specific list of words. My business plan is changing. I am honoring my family and my faith more in 2018. I am eliminating some things that are not currently adding value to the vision and likely keeping me from my fortune.
A business strategy expert told me recently to force-rank clients and opportunities, 1-4. 2’s are your bread and butter. 1’s are your dream. 4’s are dead weight and need to go. 3’s are harder to address as they can and do provide SOME value, but also keep you from your 1’s. I personally am identifying several “3” projects to table indefinitely as well.
The best part about having my list posted everywhere is it makes it easy to ask, with each opportunity presented, “Will this bring to fruition one of the goals on my list? Does it honor a word in front of me?” If the answer is NO it goes. The visual keeps those boundaries totally sacred and makes saying NO so much easier.
Here’s to a fruitful 2018 with lots of F’s!!! What’s your word? Do you want to learn more about how to create your words? Let me know in the comments!
PS It is absolutely NOT lost on me that these are all F words. I get it. I swear like a sailor and thoroughly enjoy this reference. HA!
Cynthia Greathouse
Yes, please do share your strategy for coing up with a word or words!
Love to understand how others process things/goals & outcomes.
Cynthia Greathouse
Yes, please do share your strategy for coing up with a word or words!
Love to understand how others process things/goals & outcomes.
Saw your comment on our Instagram read your words blog and absolutely fell in love! I am going to borrow Fruition for my 2018 word, also Fuck, as a new single successful mom it’s a powerful adjective!
Would enjoy to connect
Super creative
Kelly Dunning
I am so proud of you and adore all of your being. I am happy to know you and miss you. Happy New Year and I look forward to watching you grow and be an inspiration to all.
xo Kel
Thank you my sweet friend! I miss you too!
PLEASE borrow away! I, too, swear like a sailor!
I ADORE your shop! We come to bethany each summer and Water Lili makes me happy! I’d love to find a way to collaborate if you’re interested.
Your most recent shoot was AMAZEBALLS!
email sam@moxiemama.tv