More Love. More Life. More Joy.
So we are in month 7 of COVID now, right? Losing your mind yet?
Y’all haven’t heard much from me lately and there’s a reason for that…I’m just unfocused. The irony of the 2020 vision stuff is real. We are in total upheaval and feeling struggle in our own ways.
I am a person who always tries to see the positive in things, the joy/fun/spontaneity of life (a true Enneagram 7), so often the hard stuff is REALLY hard. I take on the energy of the bad stuff and it’s such a challenge to shake it.
I truly INTEND so many things: The Enneagram Virtual Book Club, (details for the FINAL date coming in a newsletter), the launch of my small group coaching, a whole video series about how to shop from your own closet are all on the to-do list. Yet it seems that every time I get some good momentum going, there is a new world/local/medical/political crisis that makes what I want to do feel small and insignificant. And WELCOME BACK IMPOSTER SYNDROME! You’ve been gone for what, like 13 minutes?
One thing I have LOVED about COVID is the better connection to the small things. I have tried, along with my family, to lean in to the “stay at home” vibe. We built a fire pit this summer, we gardened, I (finally) learned to meditate.
The DOWNSIDE has been that because we all had to be at home more, and working with our tech devices more, we have all also spent an exponentially increased amount of time online. And friends, I gotta tell you, it shows. We are crabby and triggered and angry ALL THE TIME. And I’m not just saying me. I hate to say this, but you are too.
I am partway through “Social Dilemma” on Netflix. I may get around to a full blog post on it, but it’s so much to digest. Here’s my takeaway thus far–we need to put down the phones.
Look, I get the irony. You’re probably reading these words on your phone. I’m realizing that the constant barrage of politics, chaos, and drama is contributing to my own anxiety and that of so many others. We have been isolated for months and relying on these devices for our connectivity. It is taking a toll.
So here’s where I am and maybe you too–I am going to fill my space (and the corner of YOUR space that I so gratefully occupy) with goodness. Maybe it will be fashion. Maybe I will be your buddy checking in to cheerlead your confidence. Perhaps we can take a journey of self-awareness or joy together.
Someone told me the other day that they look forward to my posts. Right in the thick of doubting what the hell I’m doing, they reminded me that I’ve made them smile. Or think. Or get curious about something. Or wear something they never expected to. So I’m back, friends. Back to writing, back to podcasts (re-launching very soon), back to coaching, back to YOU. #moxiesquad
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