My Own “Midlife Becoming”

As Seen in The Arrow of Pi Beta Phi
This is dedicated to every Pi Phi sister, every ride or die friend, and the entire #moxiesquad Everything I do is for YOU!!! Thank you for joining me on this journey!
TTF, Pi Phi Love, xoxo and all that mushy stuff,
Dawn Bierker
Love this Sam!! You are going to do great things for every person you coach and encourage:) You are a ROCK STAR!
Julie Arnheim
So proud of you! You exemplify “sisterhood for a lifetime”! And as a PanHellenic sister, and as an Alumnae Relations advisor, I truly know what this means.
I share in your joy over this and am grateful always for you in my life!
Megan Saustad
Congratulations on this wonderful article and for following your dreams! Its never too late, right! You are an inspiration!
Amy Day
As an alum, a legacy and a mother of two collegiate Pi Phis, clearly the “concept of sisterhood is powerful” to me too! I loved the article in The Arrow and will begin following your blog as I found it very inspirational. as I am at my own crossroads of my career and perhaps this will spur me on to new adventures. Best of luck! TTF
After some major website updates, I am finally able to access this lovely message. Thank you so much Amy! Please take a moment to request your free consultation if you haven’t. TTF >——–>
I love having a sister in this game…worth made us sisters!